Therefore, putting RMB exchange rate on the table, the US government can not only set up a target, but also give the unemployed an explanation of their situation. 于是,拿人民币汇率问题说事,不仅可以达到一箭双雕的目的,而且立起一个明确的“靶子”,可以向失业者交代他们为什么丢了工作。
Table 10 identifies the free space needed on the operating system disks for the initial deployment of Microsoft Exchange. 表10给出了操作系统磁盘上用于完成MicrosoftExchange初始部署所需的空闲空间。
Table 1 lists and describes the script packages that will be used with this Microsoft Exchange Pattern. 表1列出并描述了将用于这个MicrosoftExchangePattern的脚本包。
He has a table listing more than 30 such events, starting with the South Sea bubble of 1720 and ending with the New York Stock Exchange crash of 1987. 金德尔伯格在一份表格中列出了30多起次类事件,从1720年的南海泡沫开始,到1987年纽约证交所(NewYorkStockExchange)的崩盘结束。
However, an action by the exchange may cause your pending order to be either cancelled or adjusted if any of the corporate actions identified in the table below occur. 但是,如发生以下公司行动,阁下尚未执行的交易指示可能会根据交易所的行动而被更改或取消。
The two friends did not venture to return the count the breakfast he had given them; it would have been too absurd to offer him in exchange for his excellent table the very inferior one of Signor pastrini. 两位朋友不敢回请伯爵吃早餐,因为,用派里尼老板非常蹩脚的饭菜来和他那上等酒筵交换,未免太荒唐了。
He made a sudden exchange of the two instruments, and turning on the worm-eaten stool and table, beat them to pieces in a few blows. 他迅速换了工具,转向虫蛀的桌凳,几棍子把它们敲了个粉碎。
Each router maintaining a routing table, and regularly with its neighbor routers exchange routing information, according to the smallest vector routing update their routing table. 每个路由器维护一张路由表,并定期与其邻居路由器交换路由信息,根据最小路由矢量更新自己的路由表。
Exchange automatically creates the message table for the view that is sorted by the date messages were received. exchange自动为按邮件的接收日期排序的视图创建邮件表。
Simultaneously also ate Lu to exchange the table to have certain understanding. 同时也则食吕交换表有了一定的了解。
The paper emphasizes the exchange method of table structure and data information in table, which is based on database component. 文章着重阐述了基于数据库组件的数据库表结构的转换方法和数据信息的转换方法。
Exchange of data between Excel worksheet and Word table Excel工作表与Word表格的数据交换
This paper use the VC++ and SQL database complete the programming of the configure software witch is used to complete the controller of data exchange parameter, upload table, download table, and device parameter's configuration. 上位机配置软件使用VC++和SQL数据库完成编制,软件负责完成对数据转换控制器参数、上行表、下行表以及设备参数等数据的配置。
BGP routers exchange routing information upon initial data exchange, then with the incremental updates, only when the routing table changes, the peers send the portion of their routing table that has been changed. 采用增量路由更新,在建立好邻居关系以后,BGP就将全部的路由信息传播出去,以后只有在路由信息发生变化时才传播路由信息。
This paper uses the mechanism that adjacent Routers using RIP exchange the routing table periodically for improving the RED arithmetic to discover and restrain the network congestion earlier. 利用RIP协议的相临路由器定期交换路由表的机制,来改进RED算法,起到了早期发现并抑制网络拥塞的目的。
The data exchange agreement of control board is defined in this paper, for an example, to realize the configuration interface with the table of configuration. 在软件层次上实现现场组态接口系统,本文对控制板的交换数据协议进行定义,并举例说明了上位主机建立组态表来实现可组态的接口。